I hurt my foot AGIAN

hello world. today let me tell you what happened. well the day before yesterday I was at Kally’s house and when we were playing hide-and-go-seek but when I went outside to hide I stubbed my toe and it was hurting I was in pain and in shock but I wasn’t crying so when I got home my mom put some bubbly stuff on my toe and I still have that today. oh and the other time I broke my toe I know right disgusting. bye .peace love.COMMENTS


Claudia’s moving!!!!!!

hello hello hello again. today is a sad day because… Claudia’s moving. I know you guys always think I’m cheerful but since Claudia told me that she was moving a have been feeling down. but the good news is that she is moving In a year. but wait it gets worse, there are 2 months left of school!!. you guys are probably thinking what’s the matter with that. and Claudia was my best friend and now she’s gone!. hope your friends don’t move away. see ya later alligator hope you injoyed

spring time!!!!!

flowers and butterflieshello again world! .I’m going to talk about what you can do in spring .swimming, biking, beach, surf, roller skating, outside sports, play, splash in puddles, wear nice rain coats, … work outside ;( … like a bunch of things to do leave a comment bolow and tell me what’s your favorite thing to do in spring ?  bye


trip to Disneyland

hello again word  I went to Disneyland for 1 week these are the rides I went on. bugs life. first one was called crunching caterpillars and he says look at me I’m a little choo choo train and then he eats lots of frutis and candy. and you get to sit in the caterpillar. Next ride is Flix’s flyers you sit in these cartens and they go about… 20 feet in the air and then they turn sideways next ride called bumper bugs It a little boring next ride is called ladybug boogie that one was SOOO fun because it was so fast then we went to the 3D bugs life show it was so amazing Tower of taror AKA holly wood holtel me and my brother went  to the tower of taror it tolled a story about five people that went in an elevator and lighting struck and they turned into gost’s . perfect prade me and my mom went to a prade there were lots of I think Pixare people.  the maid T party me and my dad to the maid T party. there was this carpet the bubbles they follow you everywhere you go well. today I went to the sience center we saw this robot named Tess she was 50 feet long she teched  about Homeostasis -ballents of fuel , tempercher and energe in the body. at the end her hand raised up and turned the light off. we went to splash mounten then I went to the sceamen ride it had a lopteylop. hope you injoyed. bye

social studies

Hello again if you liked the other blogs you will like this one . Today were learning about Saskatchewan . many years ago there were people called indiens they were the first nashen  people there the people how found Canada but some one from European  he wanted to find a new land so he got on a bout and set off . it took days and days and he finely got to the land called Canada but he didn’t know that the indiens were living there so he put he’s flag down but when he found a indien he said this is my land now and then there was wore and then they made a promise and ……………. that’s all I know. bye

my favourite book

I am reading Alligator baby by Robert Munch. Hope you enjoy. there once was a family the mom was at the hospital she was having a baby. she finally got out of the hospital the baby was still at the hospital. and  the mom said ”your going to have a baby sister ” great” said the boy. the doorbell rang it was the baby . but then she saw a green tall .and she saw four sharp claws she opened up the blanket and…it was an alligator she screamed and then she went back to the hospital and said ”I HAVE THE WRONG BABY she screamed ” sorry miss. she waited and waited and she finally got the baby and it was a … MONKEY . that’s all I can tell  leave a comment bye

















my birthday

it is almost my birthday . My birthday is March 28th I am so exited about it there is going to be lots and lots of games we will have a game that’s called find your friend . I have to go bye

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